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2020年10月 2日 (金)

Addon uranus kodi

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Uranus Kodi add-on has sections such as: Uranus Kodi add-on has sections such as: TV shows, TV series, movies, playlist, search, What the for, critters corner, and lots more.

This add-on also contains a huge variety of Movies and TV Shows to choose from.

Uranus Kodi addon is one of the reliable sources for streaming movies on Kodi. The addon offers you with all the updated movie collections in high-quality.

Moreover, the addon has a user-friendly interface that lets you easily navigate through the contents. We hope this article helped you to install Uranus addon on Kodi. This guide is applicable for all sorts of Kodi compatible device. Uranus Kodi Addon. The Website owner is not responsible for the content found using this addon.

Uranus is.

It is for informational purposes. After Uranus Kodi addon was revived by Cy4root Repository, it has been working extremely well. I would say even better than before. It has an enormous database of the latest movies and TV shows and the content is also regularly updated. And the Real-Debrid addition is certainly a big plus. Give this add-on a try and let us know your experience in the comments section below.

Un contenu qui provient directement de STARZ, 20th Century Fox, BBC et HBO.

Addon Uranus Kodi.

The Uranus Kodi add-on has a great user interface that allows for easy navigation. The Categories within Uranus include: Movies, TV Shows, Top Movies, Playlists, IMDB User Lists, Critters Corner, What The Fork, My Movies, My TV Shows, Tools, and Scraper Settings. As. Uranus Kodi addon is a fork of the Neptune Rising Kodi addon. The addon was created when Neptune Rising stopped working, and it has maintained its great performance since then. It is has been recently updated, and it is currently one of the best working addons.

The new and revamped version provides a rich content library with lots of HD streams. Though not required to use the Addon this can be. El addon Uranus en Kodi habrá quedado instalado correctamente. Damos agradecimientos especiales al creador del addon Cy4Root por dedicar el tiempo a crear y compartir el addon con la comunidad. Esperamos que el tutorial haya sido de ayuda, recuerda que puedes apoyarnos a mantenernos en linea realizando una donación por paypal (o al botón donar) o dando clic en los enlaces. The Uranus kodi addon was one of the best movie kodi addons that has working so well in the past, it can help you watch tons of movie in alot of HD sources. Previously, you can found this addon in Griffin repository, but when the Griffin repository has shutdown, Uranus addon has gone offline along with this repo. Recently, Uranus has working back again with many changes like as new icon.

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